Monday, October 27, 2014

People Come and People Go

We found so many wonderful people, who just disappear! We find them, teach them, get them interested in our message, set up a return appointment. And then they drop off the face of the earth! Never to be seen or heard from again. Well at least up the this point. It can be frustrating, but they just aren't the elect yet. Maybe down the road they will be.

We taught Sibhan again this week. We haven't been able to get in with her the past month or so. But on Wednesday she was so engaged in our lesson. She had questions about the priesthood and prophets vs apostles. It was a very good lesson.

We found out Wednesday that interviews were on Thursday. So along with weekly planning, we had interviews. Which took up the majority of our day, because we also had coordination. But we did have a lesson with Heidi and Sister Peterson came along and now they are best friends! :) Heidi has a lot on her plate, so she doesn't want to meet right now, but hopefully in the near future we can get back in with her. I know the gospel can help her and bless her life.

Oh and we started exchanges on Thursday. It was a crazy day. Exchanges were good. I went to Guilford. They have 4 sisters in one apartment. It's crazy! We taught a lot of people, which is good.

Michelle fed us dinner on Saturday night :) it was really good. She's so nice! And just a super member! Oh and she told us that Brother Bailey (who lives in her building) wrote the music for Mobsters and Mormons! Crazy! He's been out of town for two weeks. I think he might be in Austin actually :P he does something with music and you know Austin is a great place to be! :)

Church was fantastic as always! Probably because we talked about missionary work and went over my favorite talk from April's General Conference. "Your Four Minutes"

- Sister Miriah Loosle -
      John 3:16-17
   He came to save!

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