This week has just been fantastic family!
I'm just start at the beginning!
Monday -- we taught Michelle the Word of Wisdom. It actually went really well. She committed to live it. And only had a small hurdle to get over, which we got over by Wednesday! :) it is so exciting to see her change and see how the gospel is blessing her life. Even if she doesn't see it right now, I know that her divorce (which she's been trying to finalize for over a year) is finally going through because she is doing the things God has asked her to do.
Tuesday -- we met this cute family, Bontia (mom) and Bri (daughter) and 3 other kids, but we didn't really meet them. The dad is out of town til December. But as we were teaching the restoration, all Bontia could say was wow! And how it just makes sense that there would be a prophet on the earth again. If God always spoke through prophets, why not have one now?
We taught Jenny too, but she not really committing to a return appointment. So we'll see when're it goes with her.
Wednesday -- The Book of Mormon is true! And is the Key to everything! We had a wonderful mission conference with Elder Larry Y. Wilson of the seventy. It literally lasted all day. From 9am to 6 PM. But it was so good! I just can't explain what went on. We mostly talked about how to use the Book of Mormon better. And how we really do need to read WITH our investigators, not just to them. Also (best practice for missionaries and pre-missionaries) we went through the first chapter of Nephi and paralleled it with the Restoration. It was so good! And it's a great follow up lesson to do. (If you want more details on how to, just let me know!).
Another part I really liked was when Sister Wilson talked about how God created us to do His work here on earth. When we are converted to the gospel and are saved from death and sin by the grace of Christ, we are now His workers. We are His hands and fret to do His work on the earth. That is why people mis-interpret our church for believe so much in works. We do believe in works, because God isn't here to help everyone on earth, but we are!
Then after the meeting, the sisters had a meeting :) we all bore our testimonies on something we've learned from our missions thus far. -- The thing I've learned most from my mission is that God trusts me. If He didn't I wouldn't be here. In the MTC one of my teachers invited all of us to asked God if He trusted us as His servant and workers in the Harvest of Souls. I remember after I prayed, I felt this wonderful feeling of peace. I know that God trusts me. He trusts every missionary and member to help Him in this work.
I got to see all of my old companions in the past two weeks. It's kind of weird, but good. I learned that Sister Lunceford and her family went to church! :)
Thursday -- We taught Sibhan (Shi-vaughn) the Restoration. It went well. We went back the next day applied what we had just learned in the mission conference about the Book of Mormon. We are dinner with the Mitchell's and you know, after being in their Ward for 7 1/2 months, they didn't know I lived in Guam!! Or that I had 4 brothers. Or they just didn't remember :P
Friday --We taught Michelle the Law of Chasity, which actually went really well. It was awkward at all. Although we did have a Young Woman with us. But apparently every time she went out with the sisters, she's taught the Law of Chasity. Maybe she needs to learn something? No, she's a super sweet girl! :)
Saturday -- We met Lou. She was taught by the sisters before I came to Summerfield. And stopped us. We taught the Plan of Salvation, which was really good for her. She's lost a lot of people lately. And it answered a lot of her questions.
Sunday -- Just amazing! Sister Rorrer spoke in sacrament meeting! She talked about her conversion story. It was a great talk. Michelle was sick :( but she read all of 1 Nephi on Sunday while she was home!
I love you lots! And all of y'all are in my prayers! Thank you for all your prayers. They really do help!
Love y'all!
- Sister Miriah Loosle -
John 3:16-17
He came to save!